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2nd Annual Natural Sciences Student Conference

27 – 28 March 2018, Lancaster University

On the first day of the conference an excellent Plenary talk was given by Dr Caroline Eames, a Senior Forensic Scientist at Cellmark Forensic Services, “Forensic Science – fact or fiction?” This set the scene really well, bringing in multiple sciences with some truly inspiring case studies. Students gave a series of great talks, with posters on exhibit throughout the event too.

After the first day it was good to decamp out of campus for a conference dinner set in the Lancaster Brewery, which was a hit by all staff and students alike.

Paul Roach, Loughborough

  The second day opened with a fabulous talk by the Head of Lancaster Chemistry, Prof Peter Fielden, “Chemistry in the balance.” This covered a multitude of scientific achievements by Prof Fielden, as well as much humour.

1st Ever UK Natural Sciences Student Conference

Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, April 2017

The inaugural Natural Science Student Conference took place at the Living Systems Institute at the University of Exeter on the 5th and 6th April 2017. The event was a first opportunity for Natural Sciences Students from around the UK to get together and discuss their undergraduate experiences as well as showcase some of the exciting interdisciplinary research going on across the institutions.

The conference was kicked off in style with an excellent plenary lecture from Professor Dame Julia Slingo, formerly chief scientist at The Met Office, who spoke on ‘A Life in Climate Science: From Monsoons to Climate Change’. She was inspirational talking about her career and the need for a new generation of young, motivated interdisciplinary scientists to develop new technologies and look after our planet. In the evening the University of Exeter Natural Sciences Society hosted a dinner for attendees. Much fun was had by all and many of the students had their first experience of conference networking!

Participants at the First Natural Sciences Student Conference held at Exeter 5-6 April 2017

On day two Professor Nick Stone from the University of Exeter spoke about using Biophotonics to develop novel cancer diagnostic techniques, again focusing on the importance of interdisciplinary science. We then moved on to the student presentations, when undergraduates from all the attending universities presented the outputs of their original research projects. It was fascinating to see both the breadth of research going on but also the high quality of presentations from all students, many of whom had not attended a conference before. Other students had prepared posters on their research and these were of an equally high standard and the source of much academic discussion in the breaks. Prizes were presented for the best presentation and poster and everyone departed with a sense of optimism for the future of interdisciplinary scientific research, and pride in the quality of Natural Sciences students in the UK.

Institutional membership now available

You can purchase institutional membership by getting in touch with our Society. We will be looking to help support the Natural Sciences Network of established and developing multidisciplinary scientists.

If you would like to know more, are interested in becoming a member yourself or would like us to consider providing your next Natural Science student cohort with a bulk membership then please do get in touch.

Ordinary and bulk memberships will be available soon…

Website in development!

Thank you for your interest in the Society for Natural Sciences – we hope to have a basic site working in the next few days, and be adding new features to it in the coming weeks.

Please come back and visit us soon!

Banner caption: False colour electron microscope image of collagen fibres within a hydrogel.