At the 2022 Society for Natural Sciences Student Conference the Society launched its Student Journal. This is a vehicle to publish papers authored by students (and recent graduates) detailing results of their undergraduate projects. We welcome submissions from any discipline that falls under Natural Sciences, but especially interdisciplinary research. The journal aims to be both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary.

Authors must be members of the Society for Natural Sciences and have undertaken the work while an undergraduate. Student affiliate membership costs £5 and is simple to obtain through the society website.
It is not intended that papers be independently refereed. Papers should be authored by the student or recent graduate (or more than one if it is a group project), while the supervisor, or supervisory team, will be credited clearly on the first page of the publication. Review will be a simple matter of obtaining permission to publish from the supervisor or supervisory team.
Contributions may be submitted at any time, but authors will need to contact the Editor at to be registered on the website in order to make a submission. Our aim is to publish the first issue at the start of the next academic year.