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E-Seminar – Can austerity drive innovation in HE?

The January Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar “Can austerity drive innovation in HE?” will be delivered by  Professor Derek Raine Emeritus Professor at the University of Leicester and the London Interdisciplinary School and will take place on Thursday 30th January 2025 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

E-seminar – Use of structured workbooks to support group interdisciplinary learning

The September Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: ” Use of structured workbooks to support group interdisciplinary learning” will be delivered by  Abigail Bellamy-Carter from the University of Birmingham and will take place on Thursday 26th September 2024 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

SNS PedR/SoTL group (

E-Seminar – Science Enterprise

The May Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “Science Enterprise” will be delivered by  James Blowey and  Jen Topping from Durham University and will take place on Thursday 30th May 2024 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

E-Seminar – Keele Global Challenge Pathways – embedding an institution-wide interdisciplinary elective pathways programme

The April Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “Keele Global Challenge Pathways – embedding an institution-wide interdisciplinary elective pathways programme” will be delivered by Katie Szkornik (Keele University) and will take place on Thursday 25th April 2024 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

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E-seminar – Insights into the Society for Natural Sciences undergraduate student journal

Our March Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “Insights into the Society for Natural Sciences undergraduate student journal” will be delivered by will be delivered by (Stephen Ashworth from the University of East Anglia) and will take place on Thursday 21st March 2024 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

SNS PedR/SoTL group (

Upcoming Society for Natural Sciences SoTL project networking meeting

When: Tuesday 16th April, 2024

Where: University of Birmingham

One of the aims of the Society for Natural Sciences is to support developments in STEM teaching and learning through applied research. As practitioners we have direct access to the classroom and hence the opportunities to implement and evaluate theoretical ideas in practice. Through this event we aim to establish a collaborative approach to applied research in teaching and learning that will allow us to research teaching developments (for example AI in teaching, group work, teaching coding to scientists) across different contexts and with larger cohorts, and ultimately to provide increased evidence and impact than that in a single institution. To initiate such collaborations, we would like to bring interested parties together in a face-to-face meeting in order to stimulate parallel discussions on topics for joint development.

This event is open to all STEM educators who are members of the Society for Natural Sciences. (We are happy to support projects that fall outside the curriculum of a Natural Sciences degree programme but have relevance to STEM HE education).

Register for your free place via this Eventbrite link:

Note: there may support for travel from the Society. If this is a barrier to attending, please email for more information.

E-seminar – Alternatives to written assessments for assessing student skills and knowledge: vivas and OSPEs in the Biological Sciences

Our February Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “Alternatives to written assessments for assessing student skills and knowledge: vivas and OSPEs in the Biological Sciences” will be delivered by will be delivered by Kelly Edmunds and Helen Leggett (University of East Anglia) and will take place on Thursday 29th February 2024 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

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E-seminar – New Directions in the Teaching of Natural Sciences- an Editor’s perspective

Our January Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “New Directions in the Teaching of Natural Sciences- an Editor’s perspective” will be delivered by Sweta Ladwa from University of Greenwich and will take place on Thursday 25th January 2024 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

7th Annual Student National Conference

The 2024 Society for Natural Sciences Student Conference will take place in the beautiful city of Norwich, on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th April. This is an opportunity to meet with Natural Sciences students from across the country, and get some real-life experience in presenting your results – both poster and oral presentation opportunities will be available. We encourage finalists to present their final year research project, but students in any year can attend and present.  

Download this file here as a ppt to insert in your lecture slides – help us to promote this amazing opportunity to your students.

The Conference will take place at the University of East Anglia, starting around lunchtime on 4th April. The afternoon session will be followed by a conference dinner and social, and a morning session on 5th April, finishing around lunchtime. There’s plenty of affordable accommodation in Norwich if booked in advance. Our keynote speakers will be Prof of Volcanology, Jenni Barclay, and Prof of Evolutionary Biology, Ben Garrod – you may have seen him on the BBC.

We look forward to seeing many of you in Norwich in April!

Dr Tharin Blumenschein

Head of School for Natural Sciences, UEA

Seminar – Student attitudes to learning Science

Our November Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: ” Student attitudes to learning Science” will be delivered by Derek Raine, Emeritus Professor at the University of Leicester and will take place on Thursday 30th November 2023 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

Banner caption: False colour electron microscope image of collagen fibres within a hydrogel.