Apply for membership

New member registration form:

Current applications are for the membership year ending Tuesday 30th September 2025.

Please select the membership category you wish to apply for → view a full description of the different membership types.

Please note that the application for Fellowship is a separate process requiring a nomination (or self-nomination) and two referees, and is subject to a process of election.

Please use this form to become a member of the Society for Natural Sciences.


You must be able to directly access the email account you are registering with to receive a login password. This will enable you to access the members only area of the website, and take advantage of our member benefits fully.

If you need to change your details you can do so by logging into your members sections once you have finalised your membership with us.

Please keep your information up to date as we will send emails out with information on events, funding, jobs, opportunities, and all things Natural Sciences.