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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Online Seminars

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group will be hosting the second of our monthly lunchtime online seminars for 2021 to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars have an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. Subjects scheduled so far include: assessments, interdisciplinary project work and evaluation of student skills. The seminars will take place online 13.00-14.00 on the final Thursday of each month, and will be open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members).

Our next seminar, Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching February e-Seminar: What’s the point of A-level science: Examining the impact of pre-university qualifications on success in interdisciplinary science” by Nicky King, ( Exeter University will take on Thursday 25th February 2021 from 13.00-14.00. Please register via this event to receive joining details on the morning of the event.

SNS PedR/SoTL group (

Banner caption: False colour electron microscope image of collagen fibres within a hydrogel.