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Research Seminars

Pedagogic Research Seminars

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice of interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars are hosted via Advance HE, having an open presentation followed by lively discussion and Q&A.

Some of the previous sessions have covered topics such as “A Synoptic Approach to Learning,” “Pedagogical Games in Higher Education Mathematics,” and “Getting into Pedagogic Research.” We are open to suggestions for future talks and welcome interest to support our developing community. Currently scheduled event listing can be found here. 

Recordings of the online seminars can be viewed here (available to members only; please consider becoming a member).

For more info, to suggest topics or put yourself forward to present, please contact our SNS PedR/SoTL group (

Chanel Talent Seminars

The Society for Natural Sciences also hosts online seminars targetted to audiences with a general interest in cutting edge research – these are pitched to those with a lay background of knowledge, or with high school-level understanding, so are broadly accessible for wide engagement.

Topics are wide ranging, and we encourage your comments, feedback and also your feed in for any topics that you would like to see in the future. Please contact us here.

Our seminar gallery can be found here.

E-seminar: Spaced Repetition (with or without Peer Learning)

Our March Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “Spaced Repetition (with or without Peer Learning)” will be delivered by will be delivered by Alison Voice (University of Leeds) and will take place on Thursday 30th March 2023 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

SNS PedR/SoTL group (

Exploring the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Wednesday 5th April 2023 9.30: University of Leicester

A hybrid networking event with invited guests to explore the benefits of the SoTL for teachers in higher education. [Note this a re-running of a similar event held at Herriot Watt University in May 2022]

About this event

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) underpins pedagogic research for academics in higher education. Pedagogic research draws from a range of disciplinary traditions which is both a strength and a weakness, as it is flexible in terms of how it can be carried out, but individuals from particular disciplinary traditions may struggle with some of the research methods and methodologies.

This workshop aims to explore the conventions of SoTL and pedagogic research, taking a research-informed approach to look at how we can develop our expertise, from taking first steps in teaching inquiry to developing work for presentation and publication.

This event will be a mix of invited presentations, discussion and examples of practice.

The workshop is intended for anyone interested in SoTL and pedagogic research, whether new or experienced, as an opportunity to share practice and discuss the issues we face in the current times. It is also useful as support for pedagogic research for anyone on a teaching and scholarship career pathway, to develop their expertise.

This hybrid event will take place online and at the University of Leicester and is supported by the Society for Natural Sciences.

There is no charge for Society for Natural Sciences members or for those who would like to attend online. For those that would like to attend in person there is a charge of £20 which will include refreshments during the event and will also include one year’s membership of Society of Natural Sciences.

Bookings for both in person and hybrid attendance can be made via

Annual Student Conference 2023

This year our student conference will be in its 6th year, being hosted in UCL on 4th April. We are looking forward to see the diverse selection of student projects and cross-disciplinary activity. This is an event well attended across the UK, with excellent invited speakers to promote interdisciplinary sciences.

If you are interested in attending, or can support students to attend the event, please visit the deditcated website here.

To see previous events and learn more about what these events support, please visit here.

E-Seminar: Spaced Repetition (with or without Peer Learning)

Our March Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “Spaced Repetition (with or without Peer Learning) ” will be delivered by will be delivered by Alison Voice (University of Leeds) and will take place on Thursday 30th March 2023 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

E-Seminar: How Chemical Bonds Make Magic Materials

Natural Sciences: How Chemical Bonds Make Magic Materials – The Case Of Carbon With Dr Ilija Rašović – Society for Natural Sciences

March 2 at 15:35 – 16:20 GMT

Lecturer Profile (Please Click): Dr Ilija Rašović

In this taster lecture, we’ll take a look at the fascinating world of carbon nanomaterials and investigate their roles in potential solutions to some of the most pressing technological questions humanity faces.

How can we wean ourselves off dependency on fossil fuels? How can we diagnose and treat diseases that still cause suffering to millions?

The most complex questions require a fresh perspective, and in this interactive session we’ll explore just how that’s possible through study of the Natural Sciences.

Dr Ilija Rašović is a Lecturer at the University of Birmingham and a committee member of the Society for Natural Sciences, a national learned society that promotes interdisciplinary science education and research.

Follow-up resources linking this webinar to Chemistry, Physics and Biology A-level, BTEC, T-level and IB curricula will be made available after this session via the Society for Natural Sciences website.

Register here for this event.

E-Seminar – Decolonising the STEM curriculum

Our January Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching webinar: “Decolonising the STEM curriculum” will be delivered by will be delivered by Neil Williams ( Kingston University) and will take place on Thursday 26th January 2023 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

Widening Participation across the Sciences

Our November Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching e-Seminar: “Widening Participation across the Sciences- Lessons learned from 7 years running a STEM foundation course” will be delivered by will be delivered by Harmony Lansdown (University of Leicester) and will take place on Thursday 24th November 2022 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

e-Seminar: Widening Participation across the Sciences

Our November Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching e-Seminar: “Widening Participation across the Sciences- Lessons learned from 7 years running a STEM foundation course” will be delivered by will be delivered by Harmony Lansdown (University of Leicester) and will take place on Thursday 24th November 2022 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

e-Seminar: Disciplinary literacies in STEM

Our October Society for Natural Sciences Learning and Teaching e-Seminar: “Disciplinary literacies in STEM: What do undergraduates read, how do they read it, and can we teach scientific reading more effectively?” will be delivered by will be delivered by Katharine Hubbard (University of Hull) and will take place on Thursday 27th  October 2022 from 12.00-12.50. Please register via this event link to receive joining details prior to the event.

The Society for Natural Sciences Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Group host a series of monthly lunchtime online seminars to support dissemination and discussion of best practice in an interdisciplinary science education. These informal webinars take place online from 12.00-12.50 on the final Thursday of each month and start with an introductory presentation from a member of the network followed by question and answers/discussion. They are open and free to attend (for both members of the Society and non-members)- so do feel free to extend this invitation to colleagues!

 SNS PedR/SoTL group (

Banner caption: Montage of micro-fabricated devices for culturing cells in vitro.